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السبت، 24 أبريل 2010

Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: From Research to Practice

Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: From Research to Practice

By Michelle Cameron

Product Description:

This straightforward and accessible guide teaches the how and why for effective and safe application of physical agents within a complete rehabilitation program. It covers everything from new applications to thermal agents, hydrotherapy, traction, compression, ultrasound, electrical currents, and electromagnetic radiation. Readers will learn when and when not to use physical agents, how to integrate these tools into a patient's overall treatment plan, and how to document treatment to optimize reimbursement and minimize liability. Clinical case studies are streamlined to provide accurate information quickly while enhancing decision-making skills. Evidenced-based practice is incorporated throughout, justifying treatment choices with concrete, up-to-the-minute research data.

Summary: modalities

Rating: 5

Traction, US, ES, ICe, heat....you name it. Covered here. Good text for contraindications as well as protocols.


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