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السبت، 24 أبريل 2010

Critical Pathways in Therapeutic Intervention: Upper Extremities

Critical Pathways in Therapeutic Intervention: Upper Extremities

By David C. Saidoff BS PT, Andrew L. McDonough EdD PT

Product Description:

This book was written to provide insight into the decision-making process that occurs during the evaluation and treatment of a variety of upper-extremity conditions commonly seen in physical therapy. Unlike many books that review the anatomy, biomechanics, pathophysiology and evaluation and treatment of common conditions, this text uses a case format, answers the questions surrounding the case, and presents information concerning the condition's typical presentation. The case format, however, does not limit the information regarding the diagnosis, because all perspectives are presented.

Twenty-five cases are presented, encompassing most of the problems typically seen in patients receiving physical therapy for upper-extrmity disorders. The cases also cover the life span, from neonates to the geriatric population.

"Critical pathways" refers to the analysis and decision-making process that must be thought through as we decide how to manage the patient's care. Each chapter contains a brief summary of the case, starting with history and subjective information. Next, supporting clinical data, such as range of motion, strength, results of special tests, and palpation palpation /pal·pa·tion/ (pal-pa´shun) the act of feeling with the hand; the application of the fingers with light pressure to the surface of the body for the purpose of determining the condition of the parts beneath in physical diagnosis. , are presented. These data are followed by a series of questions on the condition and a detailed review of the answers. The cases are well-referenced and also provide a list of additional recommended readings.

Part 1 "The Hand and Wrist," covers disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome carpal tunnel syndrome: see repetitive stress injury. carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

Painful condition caused by repetitive stress to the wrist over time. , Colles' fracture, Raynaud's phenomenon, Dupuytren's contracture, and de Quervain's disease de Quer·vain's disease


Fibrosis of the sheath of a tendon of the thumb. . It does not, however, address common fractures of the hand or laceration laceration /lac·er·a·tion/ (las?er-a´shun)

1. the act of tearing.

2. a torn, ragged, mangled wound.



1. A jagged wound or cut.

2. injuries, which would make this section a more complete reference.

Part 2, "The Elbow and Forearm," covers the difficult topic of reflex sympathetic dystrophy Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Definition

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is the feeling of pain associated with evidence of minor nerve injury.

Description syndrome in a very clear manner, providing an excellent summary. Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow are also covered well in this section. Part 3 discusses 10 common conditions seen in the shoulder: adhesive capsulitis, rotator cuff rupture, supraspinatus impingement, bicipital tendinitis, calcific calcific /cal·cif·ic/ (-ik) forming lime.


forming lime. supraspinatus tendinitis, acromioclavicular joint sprain, subacromial bursitis, clavicle fracture, shoulder separation, and shoulder dislocation. The coverage of these conditions is comprehensive, and the cases are well-chosen to reinforce each other in the decision-making process.

Part 4 does a thorough job of covering a variety of topics, including thoracic outlet syndrome Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Definition

Thoracic outlet syndromes are a group of disorders that cause pain and abnormal nerve sensations in the neck, shoulder, arm, and/or hand. , Erb's palsy, myofascial pain syndrome This article or section may contain original research or unverified claims.

Please help Wikipedia by adding references. See the for details.

This article has been tagged since September 2007. , primary fibromyalgia syndrome, and congenital muscular torticollis Torticollis Definition

Torticollis (cervical dystonia or spasmodic torticollis) is a type of movement disorder in which the muscles controlling the neck cause sustained twisting or frequent jerking. . The book concludes with a section on nerve and muscle lesions, including Bell's palsy.

Text on the diagnosis and management of the upper extremity, for practitioners preferring to begin with conservative treatments rather than surgery. Problem-solving orientation with 25 clinical scenarios followed by a facilitative dialog. DNLM: Arm Injuries - rehabilitation.

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