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الاثنين، 26 أبريل 2010

The Orthopaedic Physical Examination, 2nd edition

The Orthopaedic Physical Examination, 2nd edition

By Bruce Reider

Product Description:

The Orthopaedic Physical Examination, 2nd edition, is a must-have for anyone who performs examinations of the musculoskeletal region. Organized by body region, the book includes descriptions and illustrations of normal and abnormal anatomy, step-by-step walkthroughs of common, highly useful tests to determine joint and muscle disorders, and extensive photographs of proper physical examination procedure. The fully revised second edition includes Take-Home Points at the end of every chapter--perfect for quick review--and handy differential diagnosis tables based on common patient complaints, and line drawings designed to illustrate difficult-to-picture anatomical structures. Perfect for orthopaedists, physical therapists, and primary care physicians who perform musculoskeletal examinations.

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