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السبت، 24 أبريل 2010

Stretching Therapy: For Sport and Manual Therapies

Stretching Therapy: For Sport and Manual Therapies

Jari Juhani Ylinen PhD, "Stretching Therapy: For Sport and Manual Therapies"

Churchill Livingstone
ISBN: 0443101272
336 pages
102 MB

This practical resource examines the research, theory, and practice associated with stretching therapy. Anatomical illustrations and clear descriptions make it easy to learn which muscles are affected by specific treatment techniques. Full-color photographs show correct positioning of the patient and the therapist, with explanations of each movement on the same page or two-page spread.

•Comprehensive information on stretching provides essential knowledge for sports therapy or other manual therapy practice.

•Easy-to-access format presents each topic on a single page or page spread.

•Full-color photographs illustrate the correct position of the patient.

•Two-color anatomical illustrations show the position of the muscle involved in each technique.


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