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الخميس، 29 أبريل 2010

Manual Therapy ( Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 2-49 (November 1995)

Manual Therapy ( Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 2-49 (November 1995)

Published: Elsevier

Product Description:

Manual Therapy is a peer-reviewed journal catering to the diverse needs of the various professions engaged in all aspects of Manual Therapy. The journal covers topics relevant to the neuromusculoskeletal system including: pathology, biomechanics, ergonomics, applied anatomy and physiology, the scientific basis and efficacy of examination and manual therapeutic techniques, movement analysis, medicolegal issues relating to practice, outcome measurement in Manual Therapy and the psychosocial and economic factors that influence therapy outcomes and effectiveness. Regular features of the journal include review articles, original papers, a masterclass section, abstracts, a subject-specific bibliography, case reports, technical notes, book reviews, events and conferences diary, and a medicolegal section. Papers submitted to the journal are peer-reviewed by an international advisory board. Manual Therapy is a valuable resource tool for all those engaged in the many diverse aspects of Manual Therapy.

Table of Contents:

1) Muscle control–pain control. What exercises would you prescribe?
2) Hypoalgesia post-manipulative therapy: a review of a potential neurophysiological mechanism
3) Clinical reasoning and pain
4) The effect of posteroanterior mobilisation on sagittal mobility of the lumbar spine
5) Effects of a novel manipulative physiotherapy technique on tennis elbow: a single case study
6) Reliability and concurrent validity of two instruments for measuring cervical range of motion: effects of age and gender
7) The development of a new form of instrument fixation for the OSI CA 6000 spine motion analyzer
8) Physiotherapists in the internal market

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