السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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الجمعة، 23 أبريل 2010

Physiotherapy Home Programmes

Physiotherapy Home Programmes

By Sarah Crombie

The Physiotherapy Home Programmes for Children with Motor Delay has been designed for use by physiotherapists to compile personalized home exercise and management programmes for children with motor delay or dysfunction. An illustrated programme can be devised to meet the individual needs of the child and made easy to read and use at home by parents or by teachers and other staff caring for the child. This programme can be readily revised and updated as necessary.

The manual is divided into three sections:

Section 1 comprises information sheets on which to enter personal details about the child, important information related to therapy, individual goals for therapy, equipment lists and so on. As these are individual sheets, they can be selected and tailored to meet the specific needs of the particular child.

Section 2, the major part of this manual, contains diagrams with a simple text illustrating exercises which may be continued at home or at school, as an adjunct to any treatment and management programme. The exercises would need to be carried out under instruction from individual therapist.

Section 3 provides further information on the areas of play and communication. Overall, the manual will serve as an important source of information and a reminder of exercises to continue at home. It promotes easy communication between parents and others involved in caring for the child and ensures that they all work together to share the same goals in the child’s therapy and everyday activities.

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