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الأربعاء، 5 مايو 2010

Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine and Athletic Tarining 4th Edition

Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine and Athletic Tarining 4th Edition

By William Prentice

Product Description:

The definitive guide to the management of sports injuries for the athletic trainer and sports therapist. Experts from the field of sports medicine have contributed to this edition. This comprehensive text addresses all aspects of rehabilitation including protocols for rehabilitating the wide variety of injuries athletes are prone to receive. Pros and con of various rehabilitative modalities are discussed as well as currently accepted techniques. This text is recognized as a comprehensive handbook for team sports and other practitioners who manage rehabilitation programs for injured athletes.


-I. The Basis of Injury Rehabilitation:

-II. Achieving the Goals of Rehabilitation:Reestablishing Neuromuscular Control, Restoring Range of Motion and Improving, Flexibility, Regaining Muscular Strength, Endurance, and Power, Regaining Postural Stability and Balance, Maintaining Cardiorespiratory Fitness during Rehabilitation

-III. The Tools of Rehabilitation:Core Stabilization Training in Rehabilitation, Plyometrics in Rehabilitation, Open- versus Closed-Kinetic-Chain Exercise in Rehabilitation, Isokinetics in Rehabilitation, Joint Mobilization and Traction Techniques in Rehabilitation, PNF and Other Soft-Tissue Mobilization Techniques in Rehabilitation, Aquatic Therapy in Rehabilitation, Functional Progressions and Functional Testing in Rehabilitation

-IV. Rehabilitation Techniques for Specific Injuries:Rehabilitation of Shoulder Injuries, Rehabilitation of Elbow Injuries, Rehabilitation of Wrist, Hand, and Finger Injuries, Rehabilitation of Groin, Hip, and Thigh Injuries, Rehabilitation of Knee Injuries, Rehabilitation of Lower-Leg Injuries, Rehab. of Spine

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